December 2022 | Facts and Info from the European Physical Society | e-EPS |
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Victor Franz Hess observatory distinguished as EPS Historic SiteAfter a conception and reconstruction phase of several years, the Victor Franz Hess observatory on the Hafelekar mountain above Innsbruck was officially presented to the public on 29th September. On this occasion, the European Physical Society awarded the station the distinction of "EPS Historic Site". |
The IESC has been distinguished as EPS Historic SiteOn 7th October 2022, personalities including representatives of the governing bodies and partners of the Institut d'études scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC, CNRS/Univ. Côte d'Azur/Univ. de Corse Pasquale Paoli), gathered for the ceremony to receive the "EPS Historic Site" distinction from the European Physical Society (EPS). |
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory acknowledged as EPS Historic SiteThe Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory was acknowledged with a European award for the observatory’s long-term work. The Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory is the first EPS Historic Site in Finland. The President of EPS Luc Bergé revealed the award in Sodankylä on Thursday 8th December. |
An interview with Pilar Lopez: "In helping women, I help science"María Pilar López Sancho, researcher at the Madrid Institute for Materials Science and winner of the Winter 2021 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction, speaks about her career, the effectiveness of advocacy of gender equality, cultural bias, and the future of action for equality. |
Highlights of the EuNPC2022 conferenceThe 2022 edition of the European Nuclear Physics Conference (EuNPC), organized by the Nuclear Physics Board of the European Physical Society, took place, from 24th to 28th of October 2022, in the beautiful Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. |
Alessandra Fantoni is the new chair-elect of the EPS Nuclear Physics Division boardDuring the board meeting of the EPS Nuclear Physics Division (NPD) in late October in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Alessandra Fantoni was elected as future chair of the board. She will take over from the current chair, Alison Bruce, in 2024. |
Nuclear fusion simulation to pioneer transition to exascale supercomputersThe latest news from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, an EPS Associate Member. The EU Commission is providing 2.14 million euros in funding to take the GENE simulation code developed at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) to a new level. |
News from CERNThe latest news from CERN, an EPS Associate Member: ALICE estimates how transparent the Milky Way is to antimatter. The antimatter counterpart of a light atomic nucleus can travel a long distance in the Milky Way without being absorbed, shows the international ALICE collaboration in an article published in Nature Physics. |
SCOAP3 launches open books programSCOAP³, the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, has officially launched a new initiative to make books in particle physics and related domains fully open access, under the SCOAP³ for Books programme. |
EPS QEOD Prizes 2023: call for nominationsThe Quantum Electronics and Optics Division (QEOD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) is soliciting nominations for the biennial Quantum Electronics and Optics Prizes, Fresnel Prizes and Thesis Prizes. The prizes will be presented at the 2023 Edition of the CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2023 conferences in Munich, Germany, between 26th and 30th June 2023. |
Events and datesCMD30: FisMat2023 Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced School/Workshop on Machine Learning in Citizen Science EPS Activities |